【活動】與好幽默的Chateau Malescot St Exupery莊主見面
上個月在Grand Hyatt的波爾多試酒會,有幸與Chateau Malescot St Exupery的莊主見面,莊主好nice,好幽默!🤣我們試了2015的紅酒後,還一起討論了這支酒的味道,亦提起了其他年份的特色,尤其是05年及09年這兩支絕佳年份的紅酒!
著名品酒師🤵🏼Robert Parker曾為Chateau Malescot St Expuery 05年和09年評96分,是絕佳的紅酒🍷。兩者雖然是同一個酒莊,不同的年份卻為它們添上不一樣的色彩。以酒身來說,09年比05年更厚,屬full body,05年則是medium至full body;味道方面,兩者非常相似,重🍇🍒深色果香及稍有花香🌸,是Margaux區罕有的味道,但05年的丹寧稍為較強,09的丹寧較甜,造成兩種不同的after taste。兩支酒都很有潛力,無論現時飲,或存放多10年都可以!
有興趣的朋友,可以上HKTV Mall或Habbitzz睇睇!
It has been our great pleasure to meet the owner of Chateau Malescot St Exupery during the Bordeaux wine tasting event at Grand Hyatt. We tasted the vintage 2015 and it is a good wine with great potential. We also had a great chat on the vintages 2005 and 2009! They are definitely the greatest wines of the era, which Robert Parker rated 96 marks for both vintages.
Although they are from the same winery, different vintages gave them different personalities. Vintage 2009 is somehow more full bodied than vintage 2005. For the taste, they are very similar except vintage 2005 has slightly more expressive tannins while vintage 2009 has sweeter tannins, which gave them different after tastes. Both vintages have a great potential. They could be consumed now or, even better, be matured for another 10 years.
If you are interested, buy them either at our site or the below platforms!
Habbitzz: https://habbitzz.app.link/CJ2fhSUD0S
HKTV Mall: https://www.hktvmall.com/p/H5687001_S_10217653
HKTV Mall: https://www.hktvmall.com/p/H5687001_S_10217817
Pinewood Wine's website: