【Wine Knowledge】 Wine Faults
By Michael C
While red wine is getting very common in daily meals, more and more drinkers are questioning “What is a faulty wine”. So let’s talk about it!
First of all, for wine beginners or occasional drinkers, there is a big difference between the wines that you don’t like and the wines that are not in a good shape! One has to taste enough varieties of wine to identify natural aromas and faulty tastes. The most common thing I have heard from beginners is “sourness” means faulty, which is quite an unfair statement. There are loads of wine with lemony, zesty sourness in it, and you can use the more professional term “acidic / acidity” to describe it. There is, however, one type of sourness that would generally indicate a faulty wine. It is vinegar-taste, or what we might call fermented taste. Even if you love your vinegar on your chips, it is not normal to find vinegar-like fermented taste in wines, and that generally indicates abnormality.
Another clue of faulty wine would be the colour. Red wine has a wide spectrum of red colours, from purple-ish to orange-ish, from light pink to bloody dard red. If you see a brown-ish colour, then you probably need to think about it. Have a sniff, have a sip, and see whether it has the vinegar-like fermented taste we mentioned. If it does, then you could probably consider it a faulty one.
Despite what we have said, it is actually not a problem to drink faulty wine, as in you won’t get ill or health problems! It just doesn't taste as good as it should be. But if you still like it, then it is not a problem at all! Afterall, it is a personal preference. It can indeed attract a certain type of drinkers who appreciate that specific unique taste! So, instead of thinking whether the wine has gone bad, think about whether you enjoy it or not! If you do, then cheers!
不過講到最後,其實壞咗嘅酒係飲得ga!佢只係無原本應有的水準,味道變咗,但只要你欣賞的話,其實係無問題ga,唔會「飲壞肚」ga!所以,與其諗支酒有無壞,不如諗,你鐘唔鐘意支酒,鍾意就飲得ga la~ 如果唔鍾意,就算我話你知無壞,你都唔會飲la~