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    Pinewood Wine: 了解自己喜歡甚麼紅酒葡萄



    質感,是形容酒身的厚薄,人們常說的full body就是厚身,相反light body就是薄身。可謂厚薄?簡單例子,清茶是薄身,奶茶是厚身。如果你喜歡薄身的晶瑩口感,那就要選擇light body的葡萄,例如Pinot Noir、Gamay等;想反喜歡厚身的,就要選擇full body的Cabernet Sauvignon、Malbec等,又或者medium body中厚身的Merlot。

    味道方面,紅酒其實有好種,最常見的是紅色果香(red fruits)、黑色果香(black fruits)、辛香(Spice)等。如果你喜歡清香的草莓、紅莓的話,Pinot Noir、Gamay可能是你喜歡的味道;如果你喜歡更濃郁的紅色果香,可以選擇Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot;喜歡藍莓、黑莓、櫻桃的話,可以試試Malbec、Syrah;如果你喜歡辣椒、胡椒、肉桂等辛香料,Abouriou、Grenache、Cabernet Franc、Tempranillo會給你驚喜。

    至於單寧,是指口中的澀味餘韻,就像吃葡萄時,連皮吃的那種果香過後的澀味。討厭澀味的話,就要選擇少單寧的Pinot Noir、Gamay、Merlot、Malbec

    Syrah等;喜歡澀味的,就會喜歡Cabernet Sauvignon、Tempranillo、Cabernet Franc等。


    Doudet Naudin的Coteaux Bourguignons是用Gamay釀的紅酒,屬最薄身Light Body,有草莓、花香等味道,微弱單寧,非常容易入口,想信不少女士會喜歡。(而且最不會影響唇色!)

    Cave du Marmandais的Tap d'e Perbos用50% Malbec, 35%Merlot, 10% Cabernet franc, 5% Abouriou,屬Medium-full body,有紅色及黑色果香、亦有少量辛香及單寧,是很多人都會欣賞的味道。

    Paisajes的La Pasada完全用Tempranillo釀製,厚身full body,有黑色果香及肉桂味,及強勁但圓潤的單寧,適合喜歡「重口味」的朋友。

    IDOIA negre用60% Syrah及40% Grenache,同樣是full body,黑色果香及辛香味,單寧則稍為溫和,喜歡厚身但不想太澀的朋友應該會欣賞 。


    Pinewood Wine: Château Malescot Saint Exupéry

    【活動】與好幽默的Chateau Malescot St Exupery莊主見面

    上個月在Grand Hyatt的波爾多試酒會,有幸與Chateau Malescot St Exupery的莊主見面,莊主好nice,好幽默!🤣我們試了2015的紅酒後,還一起討論了這支酒的味道,亦提起了其他年份的特色,尤其是05年及09年這兩支絕佳年份的紅酒!

    著名品酒師🤵🏼Robert Parker曾為Chateau Malescot St Expuery 05年和09年評96分,是絕佳的紅酒🍷。兩者雖然是同一個酒莊,不同的年份卻為它們添上不一樣的色彩。以酒身來說,09年比05年更厚,屬full body,05年則是medium至full body;味道方面,兩者非常相似,重🍇🍒深色果香及稍有花香🌸,是Margaux區罕有的味道,但05年的丹寧稍為較強,09的丹寧較甜,造成兩種不同的after taste。兩支酒都很有潛力,無論現時飲,或存放多10年都可以!

    有興趣的朋友,可以上HKTV Mall或Habbitzz睇睇!

    Pinewood Wine: Château Malescot Saint ExupéryPinewood Wine: Château Malescot Saint Exupéry

    It has been our great pleasure to meet the owner of Chateau Malescot St Exupery during the Bordeaux wine tasting event at Grand Hyatt. We tasted the vintage 2015 and it is a good wine with great potential. We also had a great chat on the vintages 2005 and 2009! They are definitely the greatest wines of the era, which Robert Parker rated 96 marks for both vintages. 

    Although they are from the same winery, different vintages gave them different personalities. Vintage 2009 is somehow more full bodied than vintage 2005. For the taste, they are very similar except vintage 2005 has slightly more expressive tannins while vintage 2009 has sweeter tannins, which gave them different after tastes.  Both vintages have a great potential. They could be consumed now or, even better, be matured for another 10 years.

    If you are interested, buy them either at our site or the below platforms!


    Pinewood Wine: 專題 氣候與酒




    一般來說,較低溫的氣候會生產較輕身的葡萄酒,較高溫的氣候則生產較厚身的葡萄酒。法國各地區的天氣都稍有不同,因此不同地區生產的葡萄酒也自然有不同性質。例如著名的Bordeaux(波爾多),位於西南邊近海,天氣較和暖,主要種植紅酒葡萄Carbinet Souvignon(赤霞珠)、Malbec(馬爾貝克)等,基於較多陽光,這些葡萄果皮較厚,果肉較多糖份,而糖份在釀酒過程中產生較高的酒精,因此其紅酒較full body,tannin(單寧)較重,味道濃郁;另一個著名地區Burgundy(勃艮第)則位於東邊,氣候較海邊稍為陰涼,主要種植紅酒葡萄Pinot Noir(黑比諾)、Syrah(西拉),及白酒葡萄Chardonnay(夏多內),受較少陽光影響,這些葡萄果皮較薄,果肉糖份較低,其紅酒相對薄身(Light body),味道亦較清香。


    順道介紹一下,我們的代理品牌Cave du Marmande是鄰近Bordeaux的城市,因此酒的特性屬「Bordeaux系」:full body、果味濃郁、重單寧質感;而另一個我們代理的新品牌Doudet-Naudin則位於Burgundy,主攻Pinot Noir紅酒和Chardonnay白酒,味道優雅、清香。


    Pinewood Wine: 葡萄介紹

    【專題】葡萄介紹 Grapes Introduction

    【Grapes Introduction】- For English, scroll down!

    Pinewood Wine剛在上星期四去了Grand Hyatt由Union Des Grands Crus de Bordeaux (波爾多特級酒莊聯合會) 所舉辦的試酒會,試了很多同樣是2015年份但不同的特性的酒!


    Carbenet Sauvignon (赤霞珠),想信是最多人聽過的品種了,屬於full body,重Tannin(單寧)質感,多含複雜的味道且果香十足,每一口都有不同層次和變化,很多紅酒愛好者對這個品種都愛不釋手。

    Pinot Noir (黑比諾) 的知名度與Carbenet Sauvignon不相伯仲,被視為紅酒中的貴族,同樣是很多紅酒愛好者的至愛,不過味道上則完全相反。Pinot Noir屬於light body,果味清香而細膩,有如玻璃般晶瑩剔透。

    Merlot (梅洛) 也是很流行的選擇,尤其剛開始接觸紅酒的。它的特性是較低的Tannin (單寧),大多medium body,相對容易入口,對於「新手」來說,較容易理解紅酒的味道。話雖如此,但因應種植地區的氣候,Merlot的變化也可以很大,所以也有不少的紅酒愛好者支持。

    當然,有很多紅酒都不是用單一品種的,而是用幾種葡萄種類拼合,例如最著名的Lafite,就是mixed grapes的,各取所需,達致其酒莊的獨特味道。


    Pinewood Wine just attended a wine tasting event at Grand Hyatt hosted by Union Des Grands Crus de Bordeaux !

    A lot of people often feel confused about the types of red wine grapes so they just pick a red wine randomly from the stack. Therefore, I am gonna briefly introduce you the 3 most famous grapes.

    Carbenet Sauvignon, Voila! You must have heard of this name even if you know nothing about it. It's highly appreciated by loads of wine lovers because of its unique complexity and strong tannin, with a full bodied texture.

    Pinot Noir, another name that you've heard of. It's the Hermes in the world of red wine. Light bodied, sheer taste, elegant floral notes. It attracted a lot of wine lovers.

    Merlot is also a popular choice, especially for those who are new to red wine. Its medium body and less tannin texture make it easier for new drinkers to taste the details of red wine. Nonetheless, Merlot can have a diverse taste depending on its region.

    Of course, plenty of red wines use a mixture of different grapes. For example, Lafite, the most famous red wine, use mixed grapes to achieve its unique balance of tastes.




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