【Top Rating】No.1 French sparkling wine by Vivino
Ranked as No.1 French sparkling wine by the community of the world’s largest wine app with over 1 million users in Hong Kong, our exclusive brand Doudet Naudin Crémant de Bourgogne Brut N.V. has always been a favourite pick. This lovely wine exhibits dry, rich fruit flavours and a crisp, mouthwatering yet silky finish that matches perfectly with versatile dishes. Get the exclusive discount offer now at Vivino with 30% off at $199/ btl ONLY for a limited period of time!
Pinewood Wine 獨家代理品牌 Doudet Naudin 的氣泡酒 Crémant de Bourgogne Brut N.V.榮獲全球最大香港用戶超過100萬的葡萄酒網上購物平台 Vivino 評為全球最佳法國氣泡酒。這款氣泡酒展現豐富香甜果香,口感醇滑清脆,非常適合配搭各種菜餚。 立即登入 Vivino 享受獨家限定折扣優惠,現在7折發售$199 / 支!
Buy now: N.V. Doudet Naudin Crémant de Bourgogne Brut | Vivino