Lilian Kan x Val D'Oca 泡泡春日意式野餐新煮意!
意大利氣泡酒 | 泡泡春天氣息
春天熾熱起來,夏天又快到了,把意式風情注入野餐增添浪漫氣氛,無論室內抑或室外也可以享受和三五好友一同野餐的美好時光!坐在經典的格仔布上,一邊享受各式各樣咸食及甜點,喝一口意大利氣泡酒,過一個微醺下午吧! 來自法定產區逹一級認證的Val D’Oca口感細膩,和閨蜜一起品味清新花果氣息,感受春天活力,瞬間飛越意大利幻想穿梭在茂密的葡萄園! 除了意大利氣泡酒折扣優惠外,Lilian 更為大家送上野餐style-up 貼士,春日碎花裙、令人心花怒放的小食當然不可缺少,唯美的畫面及構圖,IG 打咭絶對一流。

關於Val D'Oca 酒莊
The Prosecco production area is located in the north-eastern area of Italy and more precisely between Veneto and Friuli, one of the most beautiful areas of the Italian peninsula.
位於意大利的維內多省(Veneto)葡萄酒產區內,坐落美麗的連綿山丘之上,阿爾卑斯山腳之下─Asolo和Conegliano之間。除了在法定產區生產,當中幾款更逹一級認證,採用古羅馬時代保留下來的葡萄品種(以100% Glera 為主),散發淡淡清新的水果香氣。
Rive di Santo Stefano Prosecco, Extra Brut DOCG 2018
This wine is transparent and brilliant. Smells of white flowers, apple and argues. The taste is harmonious, balanced dry and the aftertaste is persistent. The elegant perlage.
Awards: IWSC 90 pts 2020, The Prosecco Masters Gold 2018, Gilbert & Gaillard, Falstaff 90pkt.
這種酒是透明而明亮的。 聞起來有白花,蘋果的氣味。 口感和諧,乾燥均衡,回味持久。

Rive di San Pietro di Barbozza Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore, Brut DOCG 2018
Its perlage is fine and elegant and its colour is brilliant pale straw yellow. Fruity notes together with a floral bouquet, typical of Prosecco, complete the flavour, that is delicate, dry but harmonious, so that you can remember it after the first taste.
Awards: The Prosecco Masters Gold 2018, Gilbert & Gaillard International Challenge 2018, Falstaff 91pkt.
它香氣細膩而優雅,顏色是明亮的淡稻草黃色。 帶有Prosecco特有的果香和百花香,使口感細膩,乾燥但和諧,使您在初嘗後仍能回想起。

Rive di Colbertaldo Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore, Extra Dry DOCG 2018
It is rich in aromas and enjoys a more complex structure. Foaming process is performed in stainless steel autoclaves in approximately 40 days. Its perlage is fine and long-lasting and its colour is a brillant pale straw yellow. Its aroma has a reminiscence of apple and wistaria. Taste is armonic and with a nice bilance between softness and acidity.
Awards: The Prosecco Masters Silver 2018, Gilbert & Gaillard International Challenge 2018
它具有豐富的香氣,並具有更複雜的結構。 在不銹鋼高壓釜中進行發泡過程大約需要40天。 它的香氣細膩而持久,其顏色是明亮的淡黃色稻草黃色。 它的香氣讓人聯想到蘋果和紫藤。 口感回味無窮,在柔軟度和酸度之間具有很好的平衡。

巴拿馬火腿和芝士拼盤放滿各種香滑濃郁的意大利芝士,伊比利亞火腿,莎樂美腸等等 有誰能抗拒這誘惑嗎?
滑蛋加 巴拿馬火腿花令你吃每一口都是滿滿幸福的滋味!
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