Combo Special Price $298 (Original Price $460)
The set includes:
➤ 1 x Braised Goose Web and Black Mushroom in Abalone Sauce (4 pcs each, Frozen Vacuum Pack) Original Price:$168
➤ 1 x Doudet Naudin Chardonnay or Pinot Noir Vin de France (1 bottle) Original Price: $292
➤ 1 x 鮑汁花菇鵝掌 (各四件,真空急凍包) 原價: $168
➤ 1 x 法國勃艮地杜得‧諾丁莎當妮白酒/ 黑皮諾紅酒 (乙支) 原價: $292
Voucher Redemption | 禮券換領
Redemption Details 換領詳情
1. Please redeem one pack of Braised Goose Web and Black Mushroom in Abalone Sauce (Frozen Vacuum Pack) and one bottle of Doudet Naudin Chardonnay or Pinot Noir Vin de France from Burgundy at the restaurants listed on the right with this gift voucher.
憑此券可到翠亨邨分店換取鮑汁花菇鵝掌 (真空急凍包) 一包及法國勃艮地杜得‧諾丁 莎當妮 白酒/ 黑皮諾紅酒 乙支。 2. Please call to reserve 3 days in advance to ensure stock is available before your visit.
3. This voucher cannot be exchanged for cash and other products will be invalid after the expiry date.
Redemption Locations 換領地點
1. 翠亨邨 尖沙咀分店 Tsim Sha Tsui 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號, Mira Place 1, 5 樓 L5, Mira Place 1, 132 Nathan Road, TSim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Phone: +852 2376 2882
2. 翠亨邨 中環分店 Central 香港中環皇后大道中16-18號新世界大廈2樓 2/F, New World Tower, 16-18 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2524 2012
With over 45 years of history and three outlets spanning across Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, Tsui Hang Village has captured the true essence of Cantonese fare with its delicately hand-crafted dim sum and Guangdong flavor dishes, and the best-loved roasted meat in town. Tsui Hang Village is recommended in the Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau 2013-2020. It has also won many other reputable culinary awards, showcasing the essence of Cantonese cuisine.
擁有四十五年歷史的翠亨邨,一直遵循傳統炮製正宗粵菜,以家鄉風味的粤港式菜餚、譽滿全城的明爐燒味、以及手工製作的精緻點心而聞名,多年來為饗客於優雅舒適的環境中提供經典中式佳餚。翠亨邨獲評為《香港及澳門米芝蓮指南2013-2020》以及《米其林指南 – 粵菜亞洲/歐洲/美國 2018-2019》推介餐廳,亦榮獲多個享負盛名的飲食獎項,盡顯粵菜精髓。

About Doudet Naudin | 關於杜得‧諾丁
Founded in 1849 by Albert Brenot in Savigny-lès-Beaune, Doudet-Naudin is one of the oldest Burgundy wine Maisons. In 1933 it was acquired by the Doudet family, who have developed and expanded the Maison while preserving its fundamental values: respect for traditions and excellence. Christophe Rochet, the current head of Doudet-Naudin, is committed to maintaining the values of this well-respected Maison while restructuring it.
位於法國勃根地的核心地帶,1849年由艾伯特布雷諾(Albert Brenot) 創立,為當地歷史最悠久的酒莊之一,直到1933年轉交Doudet Family經營,在拓展之際,亦保有酒莊最重要的信念:尊重傳統與卓越品質 由於特殊的自然環境與歷史發展,勃根地為最能表現法國獨特風土的產區。杜得‧諾丁酒莊旗下擁有13公頃的葡萄園,因位於當地海拔較高的山區,土壤帶有豐富的石灰岩,使得其葡萄酒的風味變得更具酸度和優雅,香氣新鮮奔放,而創造出無數佳釀。
Pinot Noir Vin de France | 黑皮諾紅酒
Cold pre-fermentation maceration. Fermentation is done for one week at controlled temperatures (cooling system). A part of the blend is aged in oak barrels for 6 to 9 months.Dark ruby colour. Nose of aromatic, with scents of black and red berries mixed with flower aromas. Rich, long and complex, displays fruity flavours (cherries, blackberries, blackcurrants).
Awards: Wine Enthusiast 86pts, Decanter Bronze, The Times & The Sunday Times "THE BEST WINE TO BUY"
首先浸漬葡萄,在受控的温度下發酵一星期,然後於橡木桶內陳釀6至9個月。深紅寶石色, 豐富又充實的香味,包括櫻桃、黑莓、黑加侖子、及花香

Chardonnay Vin de France | 莎當妮白酒
Immediate Wine making by pneumatic press at the arrival of the grapes at the winery (Pneumatic press). Fermentation done in cold conditions with controlled temperatures (cooling system) in stainless vats. 15% of the final blend is aged in oak barrels. Aromatic, fine, and well balanced wine with its light golden colour. Taste of linden-tree, mango, peach and some citrus.
Awards: Wine Enthusiast 86pts, IWSC Bronze
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