【New Product】Summer House Lemonade
By Michael C.
Whether you want an alcoholic drink or not, our newest exclusive Summer House Lemonades will be your best companion!
無論你要飲酒或者無酒精飲品,Summer House 的檸檬水將會是你的最佳伴侶!
Lemonade indeed goes very well with many different drinks. It mixes well with vodka, gin and whiskey. It can also be used for margaritas or shandy, or simply be had on its own. Summer House has 5 flavours of lemonade so it can fit everyone's tastes!
其實檸檬水有好多用途,你可以加啤酒、vodka、瑪格烈特,或者就咁飲,而Summer House就有5款特別嘅檸檬水。
Lavender Lemonade
This one is my absolute favourite - Lavender Lemonade! I love floral and this lemonade with natural lavender is simply a divine drink! It is such a wonderful lemonade that it can stand solo with some flower petals as garnish! But of course, if you would like to mix it with alcohol, Broken Heart Vodka would be a great companion because of the floral nature of this vodka. Add a splash of Doudet Naudin Creme de Cassis to make it pink!
第一款我要介紹的,係我的至愛:Lavender Lemonade 薰衣草檸檬水!大家都知我有幾鍾意花香,而呢個薰衣草檸檬水完全俘虜咗我嘅心!佢嘅全天然薰衣草味道實在係優雅無比,就咁加d花瓣做裝飾就已經係一杯完美飲品!當然,想要加d酒的話,我會推介加Broken Heart Vodka,因為呢隻vodka比一般vodka重花香,而且非常幼滑,想再靚d的話,仲可以加少少Doudet Naudin Creme de Cassis,咁就會變成粉紅色~仲有少少黑加侖子味tim~
Scottish Raspberry Lemonade
Scottish Raspberry Lemonade is also a delight! Imagine your shandy going pink and berry fruity. It is such a perfect delightful summer drink! You could even add sliced strawberries, blueberries and black currants to give it extra oomph! Voila! Now that’s a fancy berry shandy!
Scottish Raspberry Lemonade 蘇格蘭紅桑子檸檬水亦係一個好好飲嘅選擇!加落啤酒嘅時候,就會有迷人的粉紅色同紅桑子味道!再加d切碎的藍莓、草莓、黑加侖子,咁就真係完美!係一杯優美的高級 Shandy!
Hint o’Mint Lemonade
Hint o’ Mint Lemonade is a great choice if you like refreshing drinks. Rest assured; with natural mint extract, it does not taste artificial like more conventional mint lemonades. Similar to a mojito, it goes well with white rum and cucumbers.
如果你鍾意薄荷味,咁Hint o’Mint Lemonade就係你嘅不二之選,放心,佢係用全天然薄荷葉,唔係果d人造味道/牙膏味嘅伏~呢個真係天然清新味道~好適合加冧酒同青瓜,就好似mojito咁清新甜美~
St Clement’s Orange & Lemon
St Clement’s Orange & Lemon is another amazing drink. When you are bored with artificially-flavoured soft drinks, this is a thirst-quenching and refreshing drink. It goes very well with Broken Heart Spiced Rum; the taste of orange and cinnamon match perfectly. If you're feeling adventurous, I’d suggest adding St Clement’s Orange & Lemon to cold brew Earl Grey! The bergamot in Earl Grey will match orange & lemon so well that you won't be able to stop drinking!
St Clement’s Orange & Lemonade 香橙檸檬水都係一個好好飲嘅選擇!當然飲厭咗人造味道嘅汽水,就要試試呢支香橙檸檬水,又解渴又好味,成份天然。想要加d酒?可以加Broken Heart Spiced Rum,肉桂味同香橙好夾。如果想新穎d,可以加冷泡伯爵茶~佛手柑嘅味道同香橙同檸檬係絕配~包你飲到聽唔到口~
Misty Lemonade
Last but not least, we have the classic Misty Lemonade. With all these options, you may have a sense of confliction. Why not give the original a go first? The natural lemon juice with a bit of vanilla extract makes it taste like no other. It mixes best with beer, tequila, gin and whiskey. This Scottish lemonade is just epic.
當然唔少得最經典的Misty Lemonade傳統檸檬水la!唔知揀咩味好的話,呢支一定無錯,而且佢嘅全天然檸檬汁同少量雲尼拿精華,令到佢同一般嘅檸檬水完全唔同!就咁飲又得,加啤酒、tequila、gin,甚至白酒都可以,呢支蘇格蘭檸檬水絕對係超水準之作!