Köstritzer Schwarzbier

German's Dark Beer No.1
Moments of soul - since 1543
The Köstritzer brewery is one of the oldest breweries in the whole of Germany. Since its founding in 1543, Köstritzer has evolved into the most popular black lager beer in Germany today. Abroad, Köstritzer is now more popular than ever before. The specialty beer is enjoyed in more than 50 countries, from the United States, Russia, China and neighbouring European countries to Taiwan, El Salvador and New Zealand.
Köstritzer and quality have always been inextricably linked.
By 1885, it had been confirmed officially: "Köstritzer black lager beer may not only be declared pure and unadulterated, but... it is also a beer that is very beneficial to the human body."
These are the ambitious quality standards that we continue to build on today. Every day at our own brewery laboratory, we monitor the quality of our Köstritzer products to a very sophisticated analytical level.
德國No. 1 最暢銷黑啤
Köstritzer啤酒廠係德國最古老的啤酒廠之一。創自1543年, Köstritzer已經係德國最受歡迎既黑啤。在國外, Köstritzer現在比以往更受歡迎。而家可以係超過50個國家,美國,俄羅斯,中國同鄰國既歐洲國家,薩爾瓦多和新西蘭搵到Köstritzer。
Köstritzer和質量都一直有著千絲萬縷的聯繫! 係1885年更證實 “Köstritzer黑啤不但只純正,仲對人體非常有益。”