WSET Level 2
WSET Level 2 Award in Wines
An internationally recognised and comprehensive qualification wine course that covers the major grape varieties, the important wine regions as well as the styles of wines made.
The WSET Level 2 Award in Wines is intended for people who have little or no prior knowledge. It is suitable wherever a good level of wine knowledge is required to underpin job skills and competencies, for example in the customer service and sales functions of hospitality, retailing and wholesaling industries. It is also useful for those who have a general interest in wine and wish to broaden their knowledge.
Successful candidates will be able to describe and compare the styles of wines produced from internationally and regionally important grape varieties, interpret wine labels from the main wine-producing regions of the world and give basic guidance on appropriate selection and service, as well as understand the principles of wine tasting and evaluation.
What you will learn:
- How to taste and describe wine using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine®(SAT)
- How environmental factors, grape-growing, winemaking and maturation options influence the style and quality of wines
- The styles and quality of wines produced from the principal grape varieties in the specified GIs across the globe. 8 principal grape varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio/Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah/Shiraz
- The style and quality of wines: made from 22 regionally important grape varieties in >70 different GIs across the globe
- How grape varieties and winemaking processes influence key styles of Sparkling wines and Fortified wines
- Key labelling terms used to indicate origin, style and quality
- Principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine
- Principles of food and wine pairing
At each session there will be a lineup of wines to highlight the learning objectives, with 50 wines to be tasted from many countries and grape varieties during the course. The course will also cover the key classifications and labelling terms for different wines. It will enhance wine knowledge for both professionals & enthusiasts.
- Tasting Technique, Food & Wine Pairing
Factors influencing the production of red wines
Pinot Noir, Zinfandel/Primitivo -
Factors influencing the production of white, sweet and rosé wines
Riesling, Chenin Blanc, Semillon, Furmint - Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer, Albariño
- Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah/Shiraz
- Gamay, Grenache/Garnacha, Tempranillo, Carménère, Malbec, Pinotage
- Cortese, Garganega, Verdicchio, Fiano, Nebbiolo, Barbera, Corvina, Sangiovese, Montepulciano
- Fortified Wines & Sparkling Wines
- A closed-book examination that consists of 50 multiple-choice questions worth one mark each
- Duration: 1 hour
- Passing Grade: 55%
Entry requirements:
There is no prerequisite to attend the Level 2 Award in Wines, although we recommend that students should have acquired some basic knowledge before attending the course (perhaps gained from Level 1 Award in Wines or attending some of our Tutored Tastings or Workshops).
Once you obtain the Level 2 Award in Wines qualification, you can apply to use the WSET Certified logo.
Teach in Cantonese. All course materials and the exam will be in English.
Course fee:
- Regular: HKD$6,880
- Discounted price: HKD$5580
- Course fee will include tuition, exam, materials, free gift* and total of 50 wine samples
- * 3 bottles of selected wine (valued up to $288 each) will be provided as free gift
Location: Pinewood Wine Society - Unit 805, Heng Ngai Jewelry Centre, 4 Hok Yuen Street East, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證
國際認可的綜合性葡萄酒資格課程,涵蓋主要葡萄品種、主要葡萄酒產區以及其主要釀葡萄酒風格。 報讀本課程並無任何葡萄酒知識的前置要求。課程將會提供良好水平的葡萄酒知識,非常適合從事如餐飲、零售和批發等葡萄酒相關行業的人士報讀,以助你發展相應的專業,非常實用。
- 如何使用 WSET 2 級系統品嚐葡萄酒方法 (SAT) 來品嚐和描述葡萄酒
- 環境因素、葡萄種植、釀酒和熟成的選擇如何影響葡萄酒的風格和質量
- 了解國際性葡萄品種在不同地區生產的葡萄酒的風格和質量。 8個主要葡萄品種:霞多麗、灰皮諾/灰皮諾、長相思、雷司令、赤霞珠、梅洛、黑皮諾、西拉/希拉
- 葡萄酒的風格和品質:涵蓋 22 個重要的地方性葡萄品種,70個葡萄酒產區
- 葡萄品種和釀酒工藝如何影響起泡酒和加強型葡萄酒的主要風格
- 用於指示原產地、風格和質量的關鍵標籤術語
- 葡萄酒儲存和服務涉及的原則
- 餐酒搭配的原則
每節課堂都會有一系列葡萄酒來幫助同學了解該課堂的主要目標,課程期間將品嚐 50 款來自不同國家及葡萄品種的葡萄酒。課程還將涵蓋不同葡萄酒的關鍵分類和標籤術語,將增強專業人士和愛好者的葡萄酒知識。
- 品嚐技巧、食物與葡萄酒的搭配
- 影響紅酒釀造的生產因素,黑皮諾、仙粉黛/普里米蒂沃
- 影響白葡萄酒、甜葡萄酒和玫瑰葡萄酒的生產因素,雷司令、白詩南、賽美蓉、富爾明
- 霞多麗、長相思、維歐尼、灰皮諾/灰皮諾、瓊瑤漿、阿爾巴利諾
- 梅洛、赤霞珠、西拉/希拉
- 佳美、歌海娜/歌海娜、丹魄、佳美娜、馬爾貝克、皮諾塔吉
- 科爾特斯、加爾加內加、韋爾迪基奧、菲亞諾、內比奧羅、巴貝拉、科爾維納、桑嬌維塞、蒙特普爾恰諾
- 加強型葡萄酒和起泡酒
- 閉書考試,包含 50 條多項選擇題,每條一分
- 時長:1 小時
- 合格要求:55%
參加 WSET 葡萄酒第二級認證沒有任何相關資格要求,但建議學生在參加課程之前應掌握一些基本知識(可能是從 WSET 葡萄酒第一級認證或參加過我們的一些品酒會)。 一旦成功獲得葡萄酒二級認證資格,您就可以申請使用 WSET 認證標誌。
- 原價:港幣$6,880
- 優惠價:港幣$5,580
- 課程費用包括學費、考試、材料、免費禮物*和總共 50 款葡萄酒樣品
- *免費贈送指定葡萄酒 3 瓶(每瓶價值$288)
地點: Pinewood Wine Society - 香港紅磡鶴園東街4號恆藝珠寶中心805室
Latest Classes 最新課程
Level | Date | Time | Fee | Examination Date | Enroll |
2 |
2025 Feb 5, 12, 19, 26(Wed) 2025 Mar 5, 12, 19, 26(Wed) 2025 Apr 2(mock) |
7:30pm - 10:00pm | $5,580 | 2025 Apr 16, Wed (7:30pm - 8:30pm) | ![]() |