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    Saint Julien

     Saint Julien 聖朱利安

           Saint-Julien is an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC) for red wine in the Bordeaux region, located in the Médoc subregion. It takes its name from the commune Saint-Julien-Beychevelle and is one of the six communal appellations in Médoc. A number of classified (Grand Cru Classé) Bordeaux estates are located within the appellation.

    The grape varieties grown under this appellation are the same as those found throughout the Médoc area, i.e. predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon, along with Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Malbec, Petit Verdot and Carménère (traces only).


           聖朱利安(Saint-Julien)是波爾多(Bordeaux)的紅葡萄酒的原產地名稱(AOC),位於梅多克(Médoc)次區域。 它的名字來自 Saint-Julien-Beychevelle 社區,亦是梅多克的六大社區之一,有很多Grand Cru Classé 的酒莊。

    這個產區的葡萄品種與整個梅多克區相同,主要是 Cabernet Sauvignon(赤霞珠),其次是 Cabernet Franc(品麗珠)、Merlot(梅洛)、Malbec(馬爾貝克)、Petit Verdot(小維鐸)及 Carmenere(卡梅內爾)。



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