【The Club】Wine Dinner at Kerry Hotel
【Wine Dinner at Kerry Hotel】
Wine Dinner at Kerry Hotel was successfully held tonight 28 Oct 2022. The Club members and we enjoyed a 4-course dinner menu with exceptional wine paired. We had an unforgettable evening with fine food and wine.
Our partnership with "The Club" will soon launch a big program, let's look forward to it!

【The Club: [特選會員尊享] 香港嘉里酒店美酒晚宴】
今次與The Club合辦嘅香港嘉里酒店美酒晚宴完滿結束!與The Club會員共品嚐4道美饌,並由專人配搭不同佳釀,共聚美酒佳餚時光。
嚟緊我地同The Club會有重大而神秘嘅Programme,一齊嚟期待吓啦!